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*  Nihon no Marion *
6 janvier 2009

My schools

My schools
It's been a long time since I wanted to tell you about my new schools here in France. Yes, schoolS, with an S. I'm teaching in 2 different schools, a junior high and a senior high! That means I'm teaching to students who have very different levels in...
27 novembre 2008


After Sunday's snowflakes, I had another freezingf experience this morning. First, I have to explain you the way I'm going to school: I take the mtro (15 minutes), then the train for about 45 minutes. Then I walk to my first school where I park my car,...
23 novembre 2008

Snow flakes in Paris

Today the sky was gray. Not really a surprise in Paris. But while eating lunch, we suddenly realised that it was snowing. Not a lot just a few flakes dancing in the cold... For a moment, I hoped more would fall so tomorrow I couldn't go to work, but even...
* Nihon no Marion *
  • Récits (presque) au quotidien de mes tribulations nippones, depuis mes débuts dans le Programme JET. Culture, vie dans un lycée japonais, voyages, il y a un peu de tout qui se télescope là-dedans ! ようこそ ! Bienvenue !
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*  Nihon no Marion *